Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why is Heather on Rock Of Love is beating up Daisy on the reunion.?

She should pick on someone her own size, I think she is so trashy anyway. I mean I did not like Daisy too much either, but who the hell does Heather think she is. I think she resemble a real low life.. I cant wait to see the reunion, witch by the way, I think Brad did not act right when it came to Christy JO, she was the best girl for him... His lost. What say you?

Why is Heather on Rock Of Love is beating up Daisy on the reunion.?
I agree.What is up with that old ''shot up'' nasty mannish Skank?

She thinks shes the s hit because of Bret hes nasty too with his wig?

Trailer trash!

And Daisy AKA duck lips is F-N UGLY!

Cant wait to watch the reunion too.L?L
Reply:Hey, you are so right, I saw the previews and can't wait to see it too. Heather is a has been old fart. She is a drunk and a slut. I hate her. She should pick on someone her own size. Nasty looking thing.

And Daisy, I never understood a word she said. The whats her name again? Oh, Amber, she is I don't know , but she looks too old and almost looks like an old skeleton walking, that hair omg. I agree that Christi Jo was the best one, but Bret thought she was going to beg him, she is the kind of girl that don't need to beg to no man, She is beautiful.. What a mistake he did when it came to letting her know how important she was. She was not having it and left.. Good for her. I agree with you 100%

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