Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How do you grow gerbera daisies?

My husband and I bought a gerbera daisy plant at Wal Mart. We potted it in Miricle Grow last weekend. We live in Alabama. It's outside on our covered porch. It's been there since last Sunday. It seems to be wilting a lot. I'm not sure if were taking care of them like were supossed to. I've been watering it when it looks and feels dry.

How do you grow gerbera daisies?
Be sure to cut off any dead or dying blooms! Cut them back way down so that you don't have a bunch of empty stems sticking out! Try not to over fertalize, and give them part shade!!! good luck!
Reply:Cut off all the dead flowers including the stem. Keep out of full sun.
Reply:Gerbera daisies are like any other daisy and would much prefer to be in the ground. If you don't have a yard then you might consider getting a larger pot because they like a lot of room to grow. A good potting soil like Miracle Grow would probably benefit as well. Oh, and potted gerberas don't like it too hot so you might need to give it some afternoon shade.

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