Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Great Gatsby: Why is Nick attracted to Daisy...?

when they are cousins?

He described her in the book as if she was a Goddess that came straight out of a fairy tale.

The Great Gatsby: Why is Nick attracted to Daisy...?
Her beauty and freshness contrast the calculation and diffidence of the other women. Also see why Nick loves her. She is a projection to pin your hopes on like that light flashing on the water as if it were a star to wish upon.
Reply:Nick admires Gatsby. Gatsby is attracted to what he remembers of Daisy. Since Gatsby is in love with Daisy, Nick is going to make her out to be better than he normally might on his own.
Reply:he just admired her beauty. nothing wrong with that. its the same as a girl saying that another girl is hot of pretty without being a lesbian.the samething goes with them. besides doesnt nick like another girl anyway?
Reply:i know...weird
Reply:Because she is beautiful. No other reason. He is not attracted to her. Daisy Buchanan is a gorgeous woman, but a deceitful, shallow liar. There is no incest. You can say your cousin is beautiful without being a pervert.

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