Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Are gillette daisy razors good razors?

no, gillette daisy razors are really really bad. they dont give you a very good shave, and they leave your skiin either feeling like sandpaper or really bad razor bumps and it burns to put lotion on so your left with sandpapery, bumpy ashy legs. not so good.

Are gillette daisy razors good razors?
I used to think so but I think they're getting cheap cuz it seems like I keep getting bad packs of razors. I don't usually cut myself while shaving but I deffinately have more problems with daisy than most brands.
Reply:Try a man's razor, you'll be amazed at how much better they work!
Reply:not that much, but Shick razors for women look very well. I say they look better than Venus razors. Schick razors give me a closer shave
Reply:if you want a really smooth shave i would use Venus works better then any razor out there! daisy razors only have one feel really silky you need at least 3 or 4 blades.
Reply:I like those Venus ones!

You get what you pay for...the cheap ones don't work well and they cut you up badly. Pay a little more...they'll last longer, and work better!

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